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在高校排球教学工作中,做好对运动损伤的预防研究是保证课堂教学质量,实现对学生排球能力培养的关键教育措施。笔者结合实践教学经验,在文中先对排球运动损伤类型进行简述,之后分析了高校排球教学运动损伤的成因,最后对高校排球教学运动损伤的预防策略予以探讨,旨在促进高校排球教学质量的提升,实现对学生的全面素质培养。  相似文献   
近年来,未成年人在校学习期间遭受人身损害或造成他人人身损害的事件屡有发生,对此类问题的处理一直是社会关注的热点。就此类事故中如何承担责任及受害人提起损害赔偿请求的法律依据进行论述,提出承担该责任的主体的范围及其承担责任的基本原则。  相似文献   
对普通高校在距栏跑教学中发生的各类运动损伤进行了调查与分析,提出了预防运动损伤的一些意见和措施。  相似文献   
通过问卷调查法对参加乒乓球运动训练的高校专修学生和体校运动员进行乒乓球运动损伤的调查,找出乒乓球运动中常见的运动损伤,并从生物力学、解剖学方面,对在乒乓球运动中引起损伤的原因进行分析,提出了一系列预防运动损伤的相应措施,希望能对乒乓球的教学和训练有所帮助。  相似文献   
太平天国在北方战场的政策是“官兵不留,百姓不伤”,只杀文武兵勇不害百姓的规定在执行过程中的总体情况是比较好的,但是太平天国北方战场上大量平民百姓遭遇厄运的情况并不能回避。  相似文献   
高校学生在校期间意外死亡,会对学校、学生家庭甚至社会造成巨大影响。为此,学校必须加强领导,健全各项规章制度;加强法制安全教育,增强安全防范意识;建立安全防范机制,强化安全防范措施;建立快速反应机制,提高应急处理能力。  相似文献   
学生伤害事故日益成为困扰学校工作和阻滞学校发展的严重问题。如何利用法律手段妥善处理学生伤害事故,减少学生伤害事故对学校教育教学秩序的负面影响,切实维护学校、教师和学生的合法权益,就成为一个具有重要意义的现实问题。通过文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法,研究我国高校安全意识的现状,提出相应的提升对策。  相似文献   
腘绳肌拉伤是当前世界竞技体育面临的亟待解决的热点与重点问题之一。结合最新的研究进展,对腘绳肌致伤的风险因素、机制、评价以及训练防范机制进行梳理,认为肌肉收缩适宜长度缩短、力量不均衡、准备活动不充分是造成腘绳肌拉伤的主要因素;等速测力法与实地测试法评价腘绳肌拉伤的有效性还需进一步研究;在训练实践中建议采用腘绳肌离心训练的方式,逐渐增加训练时间、强度、频率,课次间歇至少48 h等训练策略,能够有效避免腘绳肌运动拉伤。  相似文献   
The influence of preparation time on ankle joint biomechanics during highly dynamic movements is largely unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of limited preparation time on ankle joint loading during highly dynamic run-and-cut movements. Thirteen male basketball players performed 45°-sidestep-cutting and 180°-turning manoeuvres in reaction to light signals which appeared during the approach run. Both movements were executed under (1) an easy condition, in which the light signal appeared very early, (2) a medium condition and (3) a hard condition with very little time to prepare the movements. Maximum ankle inversion angles, moments and velocities during ground contact, as well as EMG signals of three lower extremity muscles, were analysed. In 180°-turning movements, reduced preparation time led to significantly increased maximum ankle inversion velocities. Muscular activation levels, however, did not change. Increased inversion velocities, without accompanying changes in muscular activation, may have the potential to destabilise the ankle joint when less preparation time is available. This may result in a higher injury risk during turning movements and should therefore be considered in ankle injury research and the aetiology of ankle sprains.  相似文献   
This retrospective study describes the characteristics and mechanisms of forearm fractures in children <18 months adding to the evidence-base about forearm fractures. It also examines which features of forearm fractures in young children may help discriminate between abusive and noninflicted injuries. Electronic medical records were reviewed for eligible patients evaluated between September 1, 2007 and January 1, 2012 at two children's hospitals in Chicago, IL. The main outcome measures were the type of fracture and the etiology of the fracture (abuse versus not abuse). The 135 included patients sustained 216 forearm fractures. Most were buckle (57%) or transverse (26%). Child protection teams evaluated 47 (35%) of the patients and diagnosed 11 (23%) as having fractures caused by abuse. Children with abusive versus non-inflicted injuries had significant differences in age (median age 7 versus 12 months), race, and presence of additional injuries. Children with abusive forearm fractures often presented without an explanation or a changing history for the injury. Children with non-inflicted forearm fractures often presented after a fall. No particular type of forearm fracture was specific for child abuse. Any forearm fracture in a young child should be evaluated with special attention to the details of the history and the presence of other injuries. Young age, additional injuries, and an absent or inconsistent explanation should increase concern that the fracture was caused by child abuse.  相似文献   
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